17 tips to Stay motivated when starting your blog in 2022

Jonny Gleason
15 min readMar 6, 2022

When I first started blogging, it was extremely hard to stay focused and motivated even though I LOVED the topic I was writing about.

It’s a lot easier now I have a site that’s pulling in consistent traffic, but that really wasn’t the case at the beginning.

I struggled to find an in depth list of how I could keep up that motivation and focus through the first 6 months or so, so I decided to write my own!

Here are a list of 17 things I feel have helped me through some of the hardest beginner days of blogging.


1. Make it discipline, not motivation.

I HATE alarms as much as the next person, but they truly are important if you’re working from home.

Straight out the gate with this one. It’s vitally important if you want to succeed in blogging for you to distance yourself with motivation.

Yep, I know what the title of this blog post says, but motivation isn’t something you should rely on to build a successful (and more importantly, profitable) blog.

Sure, we all love the sparks of motivation and inspiration that seem to push us harder and faster than we’re normally accustomed to.

But understand that these waves of motivation are fleeting.



Jonny Gleason

Absolutely bonkers for self-improvement, Japanese culture, and making money online! www.adayofzen.com and www.yourofficesucks.com are my homes ^_^