Is making money online difficult?

Jonny Gleason
9 min readMar 7, 2022

A lot of people who begin their journey of earning an income online often wonder whether it’s going to be easy or difficult.

From my experience, making money online is relatively easy, provided you don’t fall into a few common pitfalls and stick to one method until it’s working well.

Of course, that’s way easier said than done, hence the reason I’ve made this list!

So here are 6 common problems people face when trying to make money online.

By avoiding these 6 problems and excuses, you should find making money online is easier than you first thought!

1. You’ve given up too soon

How to prevent it:

Try to keep motivated throughout your journey, but also realise that discipline is the key to success. I’ve written an article about how to stay motivated as a beginner blogger, and most of those points can be applied to any online side hustle not just blogging. Find what works for you and understand that almost any way you make money online is a long game.

One of the main reasons people think it’s difficult to make money online is simply because they give up too soon.

I can’t begin to describe the length of time I’ve spent blogging whilst having absolutely no…



Jonny Gleason

Absolutely bonkers for self-improvement, Japanese culture, and making money online! and are my homes ^_^